Carols for Christmas

We have been receiving a few inquiries asking about whether bands can play carols outside this Christmas.Unfortunately Arts Council NI have still not updated their report released 5th August 2020 stating the following:
“Non-professionals should currently not engage in singing or playing wind and brass instruments with other people given these activities pose a potentially higher risk of transmission and whilst research is ongoing”
We are aware brass bands in England are now able to rehearse and perform caroling activities and we find it very frustrating that we are not currently permitted to do the same.
As discussed at the last delegate meeting, we, in conjunction with the Salvation Army, have written to the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, the Department of Communities, the head of Arts Council NI and the Public Health Agency NI.
Tonight we have just finished emailing all the MLAs asking for their support to help get us playing again. We are sorry we don’t have a more positive message for you all at this time but fingers crossed we do soon.